
return to work panel
We were delighted to have such a strong turnout for last week's TWF Return to Work panel showcasing the efforts of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, Goldman Sachs and FDM, among others, to provide women who have taken a career break with the opportunity to return to work.
Thank you to everyone who took the trouble to respond to the discussion on Netflix and parental leave policies.
TEDxWanChaiWomen piloted a fellowship Youth & Diversity Scholarship Program, which invites ten students from across Hong Kong to attend the event and meet with speakers, aiming to give these young leaders the experience to spark change in the larger Hong Kong community. The program earned the TEDxWanChai team a spot as one of 10 Great TEDxWomen Events From Around the Globe by the TEDxInnovations blog.
Last week at J.P. Morgan we kicked off the first of our six Information Sessions about the seventh cycle of our Mentoring Programme for Women Leaders. Di Challenor, Head of Treasury Services, Asia Pacific at J.P. Morgan delivered some inspiring remarks, and we were thrilled by the enthusiasm and interest from those who attended.