
If you can contribute some time, expertise or other support to TWF and our endeavours, we would love to hear from you!

Current volunteer opportunities include:

Run A Skills Workshop

The Women’s Foundation is currently looking for volunteers to teach local disadvantaged youth different types of skills e.g. arts and crafts, cooking, guitar, photography, film-making and drama.

Volunteers should be experts in a specific skill, able to communicate in Cantonese, and who are enthusiastic about teaching and engaging with local marginalised groups. Teaching experience is preferred but is not essential.

Help with a TWF Event

TWF is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help with our busy calendar of events in particular our signature International Women's Day Lunch and Annual Gala Dinner. Volunteers are welcome to work on any and all aspects of our events from event planning and logistics support, to being a TWF ambassador on the day.

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Interested in becoming a volunteer? Please email info@twfhk.org