Journey to Transition: An Evening of Inspiration

Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Cafe 8, Rooftop, Central Pier #8
6.30-9.30 P.M.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
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Free Event
Registration Deadline: 8th Mar 2017

To celebrate International Women's Day, three women from different generations will share the stories behind their personal and professional transitions that have led them to their current, happier and more fulfilled, paths.

The journeys of these courageous women will sure to inspire many to take steps towards their own transitions. Instead of living out dreams and expectations of others or fear to make the wrong decisions, honor your own gifts and talents and celebrate who you are on International Women's Day by finding your true voices, at any age and phases in life.

Speakers include:

  • Allison Kwong, EBA Inc.
  • Amanda Yik, Ex-Lawyer, CSR Advocate
  • Angela Watkins, RED DOOR Counselling
  • Cecilia Lui, ILIA Connect

For more information and to register, please visit this link