
Congratulations to HKU for convening its recent “Hong Kong Dialogues on Gender Equity in Conversation with UN Women on HeForShe” and successfully engaging students, academics, corporates and NGOs in two days of thought provoking and candid discussions on what men can do to drive progress in gender equity.
Hello from the UK where nearly every day of the past two weeks has brought another dramatic twist in the contest for the leadership of the Conservative party and the Government, following the Brexit vote.
This is a slightly belated communiqué from me from the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity - the annual gathering for the global creative, advertising and media industries to connect, share and celebrate the winners of the Cannes Lions’s 24 awards (drawn from over 400,000 submissions) which are judged and presented at the Festival.
As Britain and the world reel in shock at the outcome of Brexit, TWF considers the gender implications of the referendum results. Depressingly, women were noticeably absent from media debates and other public forums leading up to the vote.